CMSA E-Newsletter 54
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Thanks to all CMSA members who have sent information for this newsletter: CMSA E-Newsletter 54, issued April 2019.
Please send news as soon as you have anything of possible interest to CMSA members and the combinatorial community, even if no newsletter is imminent!
Email items to the Newsletter Editor (Kevin McAvaney): kevin.mcavaney at ONLY in plain text please.
CLOSING DATE for Issue 55: 30 June 2019.
Old newsletters can be found here.
Aims of the newsletter
- To promote combinatorics within Australasia.
- To provide a forum for sharing combinatorial and related information.
- To keep CMSA members informed and in touch with combinatorial and related matters.
Workshop and conference announcements
42ACCMCC December 2019
The 42nd Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing (42ACCMCC) will be held at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, 9-13 December 2019. The conference programme will include invited speakers, contributed talks in parallel sessions, a conference dinner and presentation of the CMSA Anne Penfold Street Student Prize for the best student talk at the conference, an excursion, and the CMSA Annual General Meeting. Researchers in any area of discrete mathematics and its applications are warmly invited.
Invited speakers include
- Michael Albert, University of Otago
- Joachim Gudmundsson, University of Sydney
- Camilla Hollanti, Aalto University, Finland
- Daniel Horsley, Monash University
- Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Cheryl Praeger, University of Western Australia
- Wojciech Samotij,Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Maya Stein, Universidad de Chile
- Stephan Thomassé, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
More Information
Organising Committee Chair: Catherine Greenhill
Contact: accmcc2019 at
Finite Geometry: a workshop in honour of Tim Pentilla
Supported by the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute and the Institute for Geometry and its Applications, this workshop will be held at The University of Adelaide, South Australia, 16-17 December 2019.
Featured speakers
- Nicholas Hamilton, The University of Queensland
- Alice Man Wa Hui, BNU-HKBU United International College, China
- Christine O’Keefe, CSIRO
- Valentina Pepe, La Sapienza, The University of Rome
- Cheryl Praeger, The University of Western Australia
- Geertrui Van de Voorde, University of Canterbury, NZ
More Information
Organisers: John Bamberg, Sue Barwick, Binzhou Xia
Contact: john.bamberg at
More combinatorics conferences
7th Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM 2019)}, Vancouver, Canada, 28-31 May 2019.
Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS)}, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2-7 June 2019.
14th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications (Fq14)}, Vancouver, Canada, 3-7 June 2019.
9th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory}, Bled, Slovenia, 23-29 June 2019.
7th Gdansk Workshop on Graph Theory (GWGT 2019)}, Sobieszewo Island, Poland, 1-5 July 2019.
31st International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC2019)}, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1-5 July 2019.
27th British Combinatorial Conference}, Birmingham, UK, 29 July-2 August 2019.
4th Macedonian Workshop on Graph Theory and Applications}, Ohrid, Macedonia, 26-30 August 2019.
8th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Applications (EUROCOMB 2019)}, Bratislava, Slovakia, 26-30 August 2019.
Recent news
Monash University
Congratulations to Daniel Horsley who has been promoted to Associate Professor effective 1 Jan 2019.
Congratulations to Tim Wilson and Kevin Hendrey who have been awarded PhDs for their respective theses
'Anagram-Free Graph Colouring and Colour Schemes' and
'Extremal Graph Theory for Minors, Improper Colourings and Gonality',
both supervised by David Wood.
University of Auckland
Congratulations to Marston Conder who, in October 2018, was awarded the Jones Medal of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
Citation: to Marston Donald Edward Conder for his internationally renowned research on symmetry and chirality in discrete structures, and his exemplary leadership and service in the New Zealand mathematical sciences community.
RSNZ announcement
UofA announcement
University of New South Wales
Congratulations to Catherine Greenhill who was promoted to Professor effective 1 Jan 2019.
Catherine is singing for her supper later in the year.
University of Waikato
Nick Cavenagh, Entertainment Officer for the 41ACCMCC dinner, looking very suave in shades and a leather jacket, launched into song inspired by the musical {\em Grease}. He was soon joined by Ian Wanless, the spitting image of ONJ! Unfortunately the bemusing performance is not on YouTube, but here are the lyrics.
To the tune 'You're the one that I want'
I've got Lagrange multipliers
And they're giving me control
Of this function I'm analysing
It's maximising!
You better shape up.
Your notation stinks
your lemmas lack transparency,
You better shape up.
You gotta generalise!
You need a thorough lit review. Yes you do.
(Anything more? Anything more that I should do?)
It's the proof that we want, proof we really want. Ooh, ooh ooh.
It's the proof that we want, proof we really want. Ooh, ooh ooh.
It's the proof that we want, proof we really want. Ooh, ooh ooh.
It's concise! So very niiice!!!
If you're researching some conjecture
That's too hard to formulate
Iterate in my direction
Coauthor me today
You better shape up
'Cause I need to optimise
And my function is convex
So you better shape *up*
I think you understand
That your theorem must be true
(QED, nothing else we need to do)
It's the proof that we want, proof we really want. Ooh, ooh ooh.
It's the proof that we want, proof we really want. Ooh, ooh ooh.
It's the proof that we want, proof we really want. Q.E.D.
To the tune 'Greased Lightning'
It's mathematic
It's subquadratic
It's 3-chromatic
Why it's Graph Theory! [Graph Theory!]
Let G be a graph. We'll all have a laugh
4 colours on a map, it really is a snap
7 bridges you must cross; Can't do it -- that's your loss
Go Graph Theory, put the work in networks yeah
(Graph Theory, go Graph Theory)
Go Graph Theory, You just have to join the dots
(Graph Theory, go Graph Theory)
Any ram can see, K6 arrow K3. That's Ramsey
A quantum random walk, let the eigenvalues talk
(Graph Theory, go Graph Theory)
Lopsided LLL -- it's not that hard to spell
(Graph Theory, go Graph Theory)
That weighted spanning tree, seems like Christmas came early
Phylogenetic tree shows how bugs relate to me
Go Graph Theory, putting the work in network yeah
(Graph Theory, go Graph Theory)
Go Graph Theory, You just have to join the dots
(Graph Theory, go Graph Theory)
The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics
The website for the Australasian Journal of Combinatorics is
AJC is a 'diamond open access' journal: online and free for readers and authors. There are three volumes per year, closing respectively in February, June and October, matching the time of publication of the old paper volumes. Volumes are currently being uploaded in three parts. All of Volume 73 has now been uploaded, and Part 1 of Volume 74 will appear online shortly.
The contents of all volumes 1 to 73 are listed at the above web page.
Visit to register for email notices whenever new papers are published.
Submissions to the Australasian Journal of Combinatorics may be sent to Only pdf files are required at submission stage.
The Journal is now indexed by Scopus from Volume 13 (1996) onwards, and by Thomson Reuters "Emerging Sources Citation Index" from 2015 on.
ISSN: 2202-3518 (online only, after 2013); 1034-4942 (paper, before 2014).
Newsletter Editor
Kevin McAvaney, Australia.
Email: kevin.mcavaney at